Monday, July 14, 2014

~Cooler Corn~

Happy summer everyone!  Hope you are all getting a chance to enjoy the long days!
Around here it is sweet corn season and while I love sweet corn, I do not like shucking the corn.  So any corn cooking technique that does not involve shucking the ears is a winner with me!  I was intrigued by cooking corn in a cooler and wondered if it would even work.....let me tell you, the cooler did a fabulous job!  I highly recommend this method, especially if you are having a picnic and will be cooking a large amount of corn.
All I did was cut off the top (tassel) part of the corn, place in a cooler and then we boiled enough water to cover the corn and poured it over the top of the corn.  Shut the cooler lid and walk away for about 35-45 minutes.  Pull the plug on the side of your cooler, drain the water.  Corn will remain hot for hours.
Easy peasy! 
*Note:  We used our turkey fryer pot to boil the water.
Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. haha...I searched cooler corn to refresh myself on how to do it on pinterest and this is what showed up!
