Tomorrow Riley turns 8. I'm not sure exactly where the time has gone.....I'm sure every parent thinks that thought, but what a JOY she has brought us! She is a sweet, sassy, funny bundle of energy, all wrapped up in this pretty little package!
Turning "2" ~

Always hamming it up for the camera~

Sweet little bug....

Riley has always been outnumbered, the majority of our friends have boys...she will have lots of protectors as she gets older....

The princess turns 5...

First day of kindergarten - she was so excited!

Hanging at the beach with cousins....again, all boys!

Santa's little elf...she was an elf in her kindergarten play...

Riley is the one in the brown, paisley dress, she is ALWAYS skipping...

Catching fish with Paw Paw...

Enjoying her ladybug table & chairs...

Christmas 2010
